It was N's 11th birthday past Saturday and her mom planned a chalet-cum-BBQ for her party. Unfortunately, polling day fell on that day, and our initial plan of ordering BBQ stuff from an online BBQ food provider backfired, cos no delivery on a public holiday. Alternatively, she found this site called, which provides marinated meats and what not. No delivery on polling day either, so the solution was to deliver the day before to W's home. The reason was that being a young couple, only two of them = emptier fridge. And becos there's no religious issues at their place, beef was okay. My Bishan home is a no-beef-zone decreed by FIL. W had to take half day off to be at home when the delivery arrive.
The beef burger was the first to hit the BBQ, and it's opening ceremony was quite excitement inducing. There was only one lone burger on the grill by J, and she tempted everyone to start their own burger cooking. With freshly ground black pepper and a sprinkling of salt, it did look very appetizing.
The first, highly celebrated burger on the grill |
With lightly toasted buns, mushroom sauce, crisp lettuce and tomatoes, the burger was pretty good. Juicy. J only found sauteed onions, courtesy of my MIL, much later in the night. She added it to her second burger. I didn't get her feedback, but I will think the combination will be a hit! My second burger late at night went without the mushroom sauce and onions, cos stocks were out. But a generous dash of mustard hit the spot.
The chicken burgers didn't look as good. They took awhile to cook, and got burnt on the outside, but still slightly pink inside. Unlike beef, chicken is not ideal to be eaten undercooked. It wasn't as popular as the beef, but the non-beef eaters could at least have a try. Though I think most of them didn't really try it, as they were stuck at the mahjong table...
The chicken tenderloin skewers were a little dry, but nothing butter (or oil spray in our case) couldn't help. The spicy flavored one was yummier than the teriyaki. This one was easy to cook, so quite recommended for family BBQ where half the time the cooks are the young, 'untrained' ones. The chicken shish kebab were pretty much gone before I got my hands on one, so I guess it was nice enough. Thick cut chunks of chicken skewered with peppers and onions. It was a little tricky to cook though, as the mushroom at the tip keeps falling off (into the pit), and the sticks tend to turn independently of the chicken, meaning tongs are a must to flip these beauties. The beef shish kebab was the biggest disappointment. Generously coated with black pepper, I was looking forward to them since I had such a great encounter with the burger. We took them off the grill when they were still a little wobbly, and had a little squabbling over whether it was cooked enough. The consensus was to put them back due to the wobbliness, until I sampled one of the sticks and found it impossibly tough. The order was then given to take everything off the grill. It wasn't tough due to being well-done, just that it was probably the toughest part a cow have to offer. Slightly undercooking it was a measure to limit the toughness. No one complained of a tummyache afterwards so I guess our judgement was okay. The sausages were pretty normal. The bratswurst ones that W brought from home was much better. =)
Chicken tenderloin sticks joined the lone burger |
More added to the cooking gang |
Chicken burger and shish kebabs |
I don't mind ordering from this online store again for a barbeque. I will, however, steer clear of the beef shish kebabs. My jaws ached from chewing them. But the pepper flavor was really good. I went through the website briefly and found you can choose whichever marinate you want with each item selected. I will go for black pepper chicken next time! I'm still missing the burger - first time I'm having an American style barbeque with burger and SURPRISE~~ no chicken wings (BBQ chicken wings is a very Singaporean thing). But they do have chicken wings, so I might just do a fusion BBQ, if I ever plan one.
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